Tell It Slant Tuesday ~ Call & Response A Jazz Meditation on a Poetic Beat featuring a video snap of Level 3 Call and Response Patterns (6 Notes) – Jazz Improvisation



In music, a call and response is a sequence beats or musical notes played by different musicians, where the second sequence of beats or musical notes is heard as a direct commentary on (response) to the first. It corresponds to the call-and-response pattern in human conversation and is found as a basic element of musical form, such as verse-chorus form, in many traditions.

In the Sub-Saharan African cultures, call and response is a pervasive pattern in public gatherings  with respect to civic affairs in addition to in religious rituals and vocal and instrumental musical expression.   Notably, in African-American music it is prevelant

in a myriad of forms i.e.: gospelbluesrhythm and bluesrock and rolljazz and hip hop.  I love it when a characteristic of jazz, sound and words can evoke so much imagination and passion.  This is the highest form of mindfulness meditation and sound that is a blessing to my life.  Peace Out!  JBC 😎 & ❤


The Call:


I am Nobody, Who are you

By Emily Dickinson


I ‘m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there ‘s a pair of us-don’t tell!
They ‘d banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!


Self Imag(I)nation

by Jannât Marie


I don’t care how many masters exist.

I am curious to know if you have discovered

Who You truly are or

are you still trying to fit in and find yourself?

I am curious to know if you have felt misery or

can you hear it in our children?

Are you living in the world?

or are you of this world?

With its oppressive nexus to

make you conform when reflecting

through fine tuned ears,

Proclaiming THIS IS WHO I AM!

Are you improvising how to

thrive in the cultural inferno by

leaning in to the center of your dreams

Accepting to live in every present moment

remaining rooted in a universal love

fully aware you can consciously re-Create

the misguided missives

that originated in Cultural deceit.

Symbol 4 Inner Peace & Strength
Symbol 4 Inner Peace & Strength

© Copyright  2011-2016 by Jazzybeatchick/JazZenista/Jannat Marie. All Rights Reserved.

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