About This Blog


Sculpture of The Scene Changes. Created by me 09/2008
Sculpture of The Scene Changes.
Created by me 09/2008



“I wish to write down my musical dreams in a spirit of utter self-detachment. I wish to sing of my interior visions with the naïve candour of a child.” ~ Debussy 

The first sound that I felt was my father humming the song he wrote for me.  Silence held the truth.     The title, Jannat, my given name expressed his love, hope and promise of what he dreamed and envisioned for my life.  Even though I was minutes old and did not understand the meaning, I do remember the feeling.  My life set to a song.  Our Father-Daughter relationship etched in notes.  Committed grace notes that challenged and ornamented my life.  He was the first man who ever made me feel special.  I had not realized how his love for jazz and me would be an aurally complicated, enlightened, sophisticated and tumultuous sentient exploration of life’s truths and tragedies.  It was filled with his copious attempts to control my life which created conflict and disillusionment.  His hope was to shelter me from the storms that life brings cloaked as fear, sorrow and sadness but I realized that because of his enormous love,  learning through a jazz living and God’s grace would save me.    And the mystery and secret life I had was already cast….

I want to awaken listeners around the world to the powers of jazz and literary arts  and contemporary visual art that will heal and transform individuals and communities.   Fifty Shades of Jazz is my personal blog where I write about all things I am passionate about in the present tense.  I am living the dream in the Pacific Northwest, so I write a lot about that, too. I have always wanted the kind of blog that appeals to folks from all walks of life that will swing by my blog and will be entertained, enriched and most of all enjoy themselves.  It is my belief that listeners who embrace  jazz have curiosities of  other aspects of life that are diversified and go  above and beyond jazz, respectively. Music is an essential part of this blog.  It is filled with literary arts, entertainment, knowledge, spirituality, memories, cuisine, philosophy, social commentary, music, wellness and various other thought-evoking topics.   I am also living with Breast Cancer and write about mindfulness meditation and memories that have healed and transformed my life.  It’s all about Jazz, Life, Cancer and Love from the Pacific Northwest….

So get your bags packed because this gig is gonna check out all kinda stuff visiting jazz terrains, vistas and styles.

Artist Statement


“For women, then, poetry is not a luxury. It is a vital necessity of our existence. It forms the quality of the light within which we predicate our hopes and dreams toward survival and change, first made into language, then into idea, then into more tangible action. Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought. The farthest horizons of our hopes and fears are cobbled by our poems, carved from the rock experiences of our daily lives.”  Audre Lorde

I try to write books I would love to read and scripts that I would watch.  They are honest, concerned with real lives, human hearts, spiritual transformation, memories, families, secrets, wonder, and craziness—most of all that make me laugh. Falling into the depths of racism, life’s tribulation and grief, I chose to write stories and scripts that would include community, simplicity and nature. Books, for me, are music to my soul.

When I was 11, my father tried to discourage me from anything creative or in “entertainment”.  Most of all being independent because he thought, women like —Billie HolidayDorothy Dandridge and Lena Horne  to name a few — had amazing talent but lead a very hard life.  So I began writing and doing art in secret.  It was my only salvation and a way to survive living in the “Other” ethnic world.  I discovered the joy of getting in touch with my inner creative source.  Ironically my father would take me to rehearsals and recording sessions; I could see and feel my father’s creative passion for jazz which inspired me to find my passion to write that is where I had fallen in love with the sound of words.

When I was 18 and a junior at Rutgers University, my father arranged for me to work as a researcher/writer intern for an ABC-TV Emmy winning television documentary special on Jazz in 1972. I worked on big band sound and bebop segments.  I discovered that the jazz tradition stood up against the backdrop of racial strife, language, class issues which is defined in literature and criticism for over 75 years in America.  Jazz was steeped in suffocating chauvinism and tradition.  I have always had a fascination with creating works that would allow me to blend sound with words and abstract art.  It is my desire to create a mosaic sensory experience using imagination, audio and visual experiences that are filled with the richness of childhood memories that shaped and inspired my thoughts.  I’m a  artist who paints with watercolors and acrylics as well as mixed media collage art.

I can’t tell you the number of things I have taken for granted.  My health, my sight, my parental units and okay okay, my life.  Listening is the universe’s way of connecting to nature, loved ones, that “still small voice” that has come to know as “Messenger of God”.  It has become a personal ritual and my chance to explore my deepest universe within.  It requires time, an openness so you can swing into your life. With each challenge that eludes us and each miracle that lifts us, all that is needed is to push back the catastrophes and judgments and feel renewed.  Our journeys are unscripted just as life itself. What I have learned so far…if I  listen intentionally it is perhaps the most imaginative and visceral experience one can imagine because it evokes a deeper understanding that will transform and open our hearts to the awe that lies at the center of the universe.  We incorporate it into our daily lives and through developing a faithful practice it brings immeasurable joy.  The truth about listening is that we must take the first step inward to Serenity.  When we release all thoughts, fears and painful emotions we are connected to a universal understanding.  This reveals kinship, mutual understanding and respect for our creative spaces that  comes alive in each of our souls.  It opens a portal that is beyond hearing, it is communing and awakening our lives to a unique relationships that is a gift from God and our Universe.  Are you ready? 

I love to take literary snapshots of the spaces that have filled my life.   I am the “native” daughter of a jazz composer and my language is Jazz/   It functions as a communal bond, ritual and form of social interaction for me.  It has become more than just sound.  It has become a way of living in this world.  Jazz is the touchstone of modern cultural imagination, archiving mythical images and an ascetic paradigm for new modes of writing, seeing, hearing and moving.  I like to use the improvisational tropes of living using jazz hearing, sight, smell and touch that I have experienced to develop mosaics of creative literary styles that will evoke sensory experience in the listener. I hope you enjoyed yourself and will stay..  Thanks for stopping by.  What’ say we take this journey and heal, connect and thrive  together?  Peace Out! JBC 😎







Copyright © 2011-2015 by Jannat Marie/Jazzybeatchick. All rights Reserved.

488 thoughts on “About This Blog

  1. There will be more snaps in time when my leg is up for walking but in the meantime please accept this awardhttps://bjsscribbles.wordpress.com/2015/04/24/versatile-blogger-award-2/


  2. Such an amazing blog, I am new to this been online since about October last year so still looking around. I enjoyed your about page; decided to follow so I can come back. Great work

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I hope to get out and get moving with my camera again as soon as my leg is moving freely again. It is my left leg that is out of action at the moment and I drive a manual


  3. I’m speechless. At last, a blog about my passion, which is Jazz. I come from a musical family, with its origins in Puerto Rico. I am a professional jazz drummer, and sax player. My sibs are also in the music industry as musicians. We inherited this gift, first from God, and then our Grandpa, a renown musician from PR, back in the day. My father followed suit. The song you posted, takes me back to the 40s, and 50s music style. Thank you so much. Looking forward to additional posts. BTW. My idols were, Buddy Rich on the drums, and Jimmy Dorsey on sax. Blessings.


    1. Thank you for your kind and introspective comments about my blog. Thank you for following and I always get so inspired and joyous when I hear from musicians that come from a familiar background as yours. I have many idols and I will attempt to honor all of them through out the years. Welcome. In Joy and Light, JBC 😎


      1. As it happens I am also a jazz fan. I listen to kcsm bay area radio and have plenty of cds and albums. Thanks for your recent visit.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. WOW, Thank you. It is amazing how we connect through our blogs and we are half way around the globe. Welcome my friend. It is a pleasure to hear from you. Blessings for a wonderful holiday season. JBC


      1. To you also. Also thank you connecting my blog. Yes it is becoming such a small world. My childhood was also filled with New Orleans Jazz. Best wishes from a warm muggy day in Auckland.


      2. Thank you from a chilly overcast with heavy rain Seattle. Over the ten years I have lived here, the winters have gotten colder. I am going to be moving south to N. California back to my origins. Blessings,

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for visiting my site and choosing to follow along. It sounds like we’re kindred spirits, loving music and art and living with a particular challenge. I look forward to diving deeper here.


  5. Hi JBC,
    Thank you for following my blog, which means you are a compassionate person ❤

    I like the philosophy of your blog. Music can sometimes say so much more than words.

    Jazz particularly is food for the soul.
    Best wishes,

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for following our blog. Through our photography and words we hope to inspire others to get out and see the world. And perhaps through those travels the world will become a smaller and less threatening place as we discover the many kindred spirits who share our own hopes and aspirations. As Mark Twain said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”

    It’s never too early or late to follow your heart. Make time for the people, causes or work you truly care about. Cheers, Wooly and Raeski.


  7. I love the Latin rhythm in this song! May God bless you in abundant healing for your breast cancer. I am a breast cancer survivor. I also use music for healing in all ways. Dance on my sister! Deborah


    1. You are so welcome. Isn’t it amazing that art whether visual or through sound can heal and inspire us. We are kindered spirits and I wish you many blessings and your continued grace…Jannat


  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the music! Both my parents were musicians, and my father also composed a few pieces—one was a love song he wrote for my mother as a wedding present, and another was “The ‘Chesty’ Puller March” in admiration of General Puller, USMC.

    Anyway, thank you for following my blog, which brought me here to yours. I look forward to reading more, especially about your memoir—it sounds like you have quite a story to tell!


    1. Thank You so much. I feel the same way about your blog. It seems as though the WordPress family of bloggers has some really facinating bloggers. Welcome I look forward to your insights. JBC 😎


  9. Hi JBC, nice to meet you. Your blog is such a wealth of wisdom and feeling and passion.
    Thanks for following our blog. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey, both inner and outer. And do please feel free to join the conversation. Cheers, Alison


  10. Being creative at the improv is the shared expression I found in Jazz. Going beyond the lines and boundaries to express your inner-self in music is a wonderful emotional experience. LOL, I remember reading the early critics that called jazz discordant noise. They failed to comprehend the creative complexity of unconventional chords and rhythms… To see many educational institutions today teaching this art form is an amazing change to witness.
    Reminding us all that change is coming, even as the darkest moments is upon the People on Earth the appeal of the dawn brings the light of a new day.

    Thank you for sharing, and thank you for being here!
    Love and Wholeness
    (The DIY Project)


  11. Thank you for stopping by and following by blog! I have always found Jazz, complex and interesting, like Indian classical music, where one needs to be brilliant to conjure up compositions as you play, and one practices at being creative all the time…


  12. What a curious blog. Love this. Huge mindfulness and music fan. For me they are the perfect pairing. So much of the universe is a note, a rhythm, a vibration and we are tuning forks listening and responding. Thank you for visiting my blog.


    1. Welcome. Thank you for your wonderfully insightful comment, The synergistic union of the mind~body~spirit is so powerfully transformative and healing. I believed it let me find theynew rhythm to live fully with cancer. JBC 😎


  13. Hello,

    I hope this message finds you well.

    I’ve just had the fortune of being awarded the Very Inspiring Blogger award and as part of the protocol I’ve awarded 15 other blogs as well, yours being one of them.

    Obviously I don’t know what your stance on blog awards is, but it’s your choice as to whether you’d like to accept it or not and I only mean to say thank you for putting together such a great blog that interests. inspires, and entertains.

    Full details can be found in my post here: http://polaris975.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/very-inspiring-blogger-award-thank-you/


    Dark Phoenix of http://polaris975.wordpress.com


    1. Dear Dark Phoenix

      I am having health challenges since Thanksgiving, sorry took so long to get back but I am not doing Awards this year…I mean no offense. I appreciate the gesture very much.
      I’m flattered that you think my blog deserves it but visits and comments are enough of a reward for me! In Joy and Light, JBC 😎


  14. Hi! I’m new to this whole blogging thing, but thanks for checking out my post. Perhaps it’s (cosmic) coincidence that I’m ardent jazz fan/ musician, hoping to specialize in oncology and teach mindfulness meditation/ yoga to help patients heal. Here’s to the universe, I suppose.


    1. WOW I am so touched and honored that you like my blog. I enjoy Tales Along the Way very much. I respectfully have to decline this award because I received it in 2013. Thank you for your inspiration and nomination.
      Best wishes, JBC 😎


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