Mindfulness Meditation Spa ~ Secret Habits of Jazz Living ~ Leaning into Life

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.  ~ e.e. cummings

Meditation ~ Sea Sunset Rocks
Meditation ~ Sea Sunset Rocks

For me stress is an insidious learned response condition that turns out all of the light in my soul and heart into darkness. My intuition becomes blocked because my ego intensifies the stress rendering me numbed and in a state of inertia. Just for today I am going to reflect and listen to life and connecting to that sacred space inside of us to find tranquility and serenity.  Begin by taking time outs to feel a rhythmic accordance with your surroundings and heart  evoking emotions that allows you to translate your dreams while listening to music (jazz in my case) to create by writing, art, knitting, sailing, whatever is placed on your heart.

When taking the time out either to walk (in my case by the marina) and mindfulness meditating on being present asking  the Universe and God to clear your mind/body/soul to renew and remove toxic emotions or fears. Take a deep relaxed breathing for a fifteen minutes to a half hour (I like using my pranayama bolster).  Start each morning to live and cultivate a heartfelt life using qualities of gratitude, compassion, love and caring to improve your mental, emotional and physical health and well-being relieving resistance(s)  and releasing stressful burdens you are facing in that moment.

Take hold of your ego perceptions and reactions and either delete or place them in a disengaged and non-judgmental state of mind.  Over time you will begin looking at life through the lens of your heart’s intuitive intelligence. Relax your heart and breathe out all of the stressful emotions allowing them to flow out and you will begin to feel light, unencumbered and are ready to lean into the best you were meant to be. Renewed and transformed!  Peace Out!  JBC

Taking 5 to go to the Mindfulness Mediation Spa you have created.  Here is one way…Mindfulness Bell – A 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation.  You will find that you can change your spa from indoor to the beach, the mountains or a place you have positive memories of in your life.  Let’s have a go…

This 5 minute mindfulness bell meditation is wonderful for whenever you want to clear your mind, relax and then get on with your day. 

The recording contains nothing but the pure sound of a Tibetan singing bowl being repeatedly struck with a soft mallet. It was taken from Mindfulness Bells Volume 1. Christopher Lloyd Clarke recorded this bowl in his personal studio in 2011 using some of the most high-end microphones and audio processing equipment in his collection. Christopher is known for being a bit obsessed with sound quality, so we hope that you can appreciate the lovely tonal balance and detail that is present in this recording, even if it’s just in YouTube video format. 

This calming sound is a wonderful focal point for meditation. Simply absorb your attention in the sound of the mindfulness bell. No mantra is required, no special breathing techniques are needed, just let your awareness be consumed by the sound of the bell.

Copyright © 2011-2014 by Jannat Marie/Jazzybeatchick. All rights Reserved.

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